Imagine and Build the Congo of Tomorrow

Presentation ICCOD-NGO



ICCOD-NGO is an indigenous Pygmy organization that works for the well-being of communities and the preservation of the environment.
We are apolitical, non-denominational, independent and non-profit, acting with absolute respect for all, without exclusion or discrimination.

Founded in Nyabibwe Centre, Mbinga-Nord Group, Kalehe Territory, South Kivu Province in DR Congo, ICCOD-ONG brings together young people, women and indigenous adults, Pygmies and non-Pygmies, who share the same vision: to promote the well-being of communities and preserving the environment for sustainable development.

For several years, ICCOD-ONG has been recognized for its commitment in the field of the environment, in particular in adaptation to climate change, the protection of endangered species, the preservation of nature, the promotion of ecological agriculture, environmental education, as well as community and sustainable development.

Our story begins well before our official creation in 2015. Young people, women, visionaries convinced of the importance of uniting efforts for common objectives are committed to the equitable management of natural resources. Since then, we have worked in a spirit of justice and equity.

Our structure is regulated by the law on non-profit organizations in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The mission

The Mission of the NGO ICCOD is deeply anchored in the sustainable development goals of the United Nations and the world. We are committed to implementing concrete actions to achieve the following objectives:


In summary, our mission at ICCOD-ONG aims to promote sustainable development by securing the rights of local communities, conserving biodiversity, raising awareness of climate issues, supporting local development, protecting vulnerable people, fighting against poverty and promoting international cooperation. We believe in a global and inclusive approach that places communities at the heart of our actions for a better and more sustainable future.


ICCOD-ONG’s vision is to create a sustainable future in the Democratic Republic of Congo

1) Valorization of knowledge and good practices:
Our organization aims to promote the valorization and capitalization of traditional knowledge and modern good practices resilient to climate change. By combining indigenous and technological knowledge, we aim to build a socio-economically and ecologically sustainable Congo.

2) Support for forest peoples and indigenous organizations:
We are committed to supporting forest peoples and indigenous organizations to promote an alternative vision of forest management and control. This vision is based on respect for the rights of the people who know these precious ecosystems best.

3) Advocacy and capacity building:
Through concrete projects, advocacy activities and capacity building programs, we support forest people to engage directly with external actors who exert influence on their lands , their lives and their futures. Our ultimate goal is to enable local communities to live in forests, thereby ensuring sustainable livelihoods, equity and well-being for future generations.

4) Importance of indigenous peoples and customary lands:
There are approximately 1.5 billion indigenous peoples and local communities across the world, whose customary lands represent 65% of the world’s land area and are home to 80% of the world’s biodiversity. We recognize the vital importance of these peoples and their knowledge for the preservation of our planet.

5) Deforestation and protection of indigenous peoples:
Deforestation is the second largest driver of climate change, but protecting forests poses a deadly risk to indigenous peoples and local communities. ICCOD-ONG is committed to reconciling forest conservation with the protection of the rights and well-being of indigenous peoples, in order to find sustainable solutions to preserve these precious ecosystems.

Fundamental Values ​​ICCOD-ONG

ICCOD-ONG is guided by core values ​​such as respect, integrity, innovation and professionalism.
We are firmly committed to protecting threatened wildlife, the environment and those most vulnerable, marginalized or affected by violence.

Respect is at the heart of our approach , because we recognize the intrinsic value of each living being and the importance of preserving the ecological balance of our planet. We act with integrity, ensuring our actions are aligned with our principles and that we are accountable for our commitments to the communities we support.

Innovation is an essential pillar of our work.
We are constantly seeking new ideas, methods and approaches to solve the environmental and social challenges we face. We encourage creativity and the exploration of innovative solutions to drive positive and lasting change.

As committed professionals, we work with rigor and competence to achieve our goals.
We mobilize our expertise in various fields to implement efficient and sustainable projects. We strive to provide quality support to local communities and ensure our actions have a real and meaningful impact.

Our mission transcends borders, as we aspire to a world where wildlife is protected, the environment is preserved and vulnerable people are supported.

We stand with those affected by injustice, marginalization and violence, working tirelessly to create a more equitable and sustainable future.

The NGO ICCOD is based on strong values: We are committed to protecting threatened wildlife, the environment and the most vulnerable people, with determination and passion, we continue our work for a better world, where each individual and each ecosystem is valued and preserved.


We express our deep gratitude to our partners who fervently support our commitment in accomplishing the various tasks. Your unwavering support contributes in an essential way to the realization of our mission and the achievement of our objectives. We greatly appreciate your collaboration and trust, and we are honored to work alongside you to create a positive and lasting impact. Your valuable support strengthens our determination to continue our efforts to protect the environment, marginalized communities and endangered species. Together, we work for a better future.
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